EPSRC Early Career Fellow and College Lecturer
Group Leader, Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
Michael is a Canadian physical chemist who obtained his BSc (Hons) and PhD from the Memorial University of Newfoundland. He joined Oxford Chemistry's academic staff in 2019, following postdoctoral research with Terry McMahon (University of Waterloo) and Mark Brouard (University of Oxford).
His research combines mass spectrometry imaging and ultrafast spectroscopy to answer fundamental questions about molecular structures and reaction dynamics. He is a lead developer of FemtoLab Oxford, a multi-user ultrafast spectroscopy facility, and has directed or joined in 24 experimental campaigns with international colleagues at the SACLA, FLASH, and European X-ray free electron lasers (XFELs) in Japan and Germany. His scientific career has been supported by NSERC, EPSRC, the Royal Society, the UK Physical Sciences XFEL Hub, and through Horizon 2020. Beyond research, he enjoys Olympic weightlifting, kayaking, and the cold.